Gryphon 2200 or wait for the new Rowland ice power

I have a pair of Piega p10's which are said to like high power/high current ss amps. I have a Belles 250i that sounds wonderful, but i feel i need more power due to room size and listening levels. I was considering a gryphon callisto 2200 or the new rowland ice power integrated soon to be released. Any experience with the piega's with either of these amps?
You said the integrated. Sorry, I missed it. I believe it is called the Concerto i.
If you're interested in integrated digital amp and need power, then you should check out the new Spectron MIII.

The Tact M or S2150 has less power, but it's also worth
a listen to see what's going on in this new breed of amps.
I have P10s and the Rowland 201s. I'm very, very happy with the combination. To my ears, it's a very neutral, detailed but not bright nor harsh combination. If you like the P10s, I'd definitely try any of Rowland's ICEpower-based amplifiers.

NB: One of the P10 reviews linked from Piega's website has an impedance curve. While the P10 is a 4 ohm load, I don't recall it dropping below 4 ohms anywhere, and it's a fairly sensitive speaker (~ 90dB/W@1m, if memory serves) so it's not really all that hard of a load to drive. (Alas, said impedance curve didn't mention phase angle, just magnitude)
I would wait for the Rowland. I rate 2200 on par with Concentra.

If the new Rowland will be better than the Concentra, I would go Rowland.
I've own both the Tact and the Gryphon. In my system the Gryphon is clearly superior. In comparison the Tact lacked musicality and sounded somewhat dry. I owned the Tact for 18 months and used it with a number of good transports and cables, but I was never completely satisfied. With the Gryphon I feel very content. The Rowland should prove very interesting. I hope to have a chance to hear one soon.