Grounding with a Earth box?

OK so help be understand something.   I understand the value of grounding equipment, but what is the value of having a woodbox with salt, earth, minerals etc  do for grounding?  How is supposed to work or be better?


Showing 9 responses by brubin

So per the website

it supposes to lower the noise floor since the home electrical system is full of interference.  
I was thinking if this is true - then why not just add a new ground rod and bring it into the house (if possible) ?   A ground rod and wire would cost less than $50 vs a box of dirt and minerals.    Any thoughts? 
You're missing my point.  This is not one guy making a box -  its an item sold by retailers.   My question is how does work and is better than true ground?  Otherwise, why is ay one doing it?
The box is from the same company that makes vibb eaters -  cant make this up ...or can I?
This has been very interesting. So the wood boxes full of crystals and other minerals provide a ground. If you could help me understand it better I know that ground is usually referred to as negative in a circuit but as a zero-volt reference point potential for a real ground. So how scientifically is this box of elements act as a ground? Why these minerals and not just a box of dirt? Do they provide a positive or negative reference?

you stated 
"The grounding rod to you electric service is for lightening strikes, it has nothing to do with grounding your components."

Perhaps you can elaborate on your comment? 

 As far as I know, the ground provides protection from high voltages and provides protection to the equipment.   If you have a direct lightning strike your out of luck regardless. 

Ok besides the off-color comments.... 

After further research,  we know that chassis ground (or electrical ground) is not the same ground that is provided by these "Passive" (wood box mineral) or "Active" (AC powered)  Nordost, Synergistic Research, CAD devices.  These devices,  passive or active, provide a Signal Ground. 

I can see value to these devices,  but assuming you can provide a "low impedance" ground separate from your house electrical system via ground rod would essential provide a signal ground, correct?  or would these devices be a better option?

Thank you for your comments.  