Ground Loop Humm/Buzz from Television


Any suggestions on the following: I have noticed a humm/buzz in my speakers that I suspect is some kind of ground loop. However, it appears ONLY when the television itself is on and disappears when I turn it off. I tried lifting the ground on the tv (which, by the way, is tied to a properly ground satellite cable/box) but to no avail. I haven't found any precedent in any of the archives so any thoughts out there?

You might try grounding the case of the satellite receiver to the electrical ground of the house. I used a wire with spades on both ends, and connected from the satellite receiver to the ground on the electical wall plate. I do not know if this will solve your problem, but it is an easy solution to try.

Jim T
Just a guess, but, maybe your properly grounded satellite is one ground too many. Forgive me if you already know this, but, you should have an odd number of ground connections. Perhaps a cheater plug on your satellite/cable box might be the trick. Good luck.
Thank you everyone for your responses but I actually think I may have a more serious problem. In doing a little experimenting today, I noticed that every time I plugged the power cable from the tv into an outlet, a little spark jumped from the connection. Bad news, me thinks.