Grimm MU2 Experience

I have ordered a Grimm MU2 and was wondering whether an owner out there could share there experience with the unit and what to expect with break-in?


I am thrilled with the MU2.  It is Wadax level good for a fraction of the price. Stunning realism and transparency.  The break in period is quite long >250 hours.  On my system I prefer the fixed volume setting in Roon over the device volume setting….wider and deeper soundstage with more natural feel and ambiance.  YMMV


@wlp3 - thanks for the update.

For my clarity, you are saying that you have the volume fixed in the Roon settings, and then you are using the on-board volume control in the MU2?  If yes, how do you physically change the volume except by manually turning the plate at the top of the unit?  Is there an app that allows you to control/change the volume remotely?  I guess I do not understand Grimm not including a remote control with the MU2.

The MU2 is best controlled with a tablet.  You can control the volume through a sliding bar on the control app, the disc on top, or by an infrared remote.  They don’t include a remote because most people will be using a tablet to control and volume can be controlled on the tablet.  In my case I am using the volume control for my integrated amp.  If you choose to use the preamp in the MU2 you would use the control app or buy an infrared remote on Amazon if you feel the need to have one.