Green Mountain Calypso Speakers vs Montana EPS -2

Opinions please....on the above speakers.
My Amp is a McIntosh 2275 integrated tube
Thank You

Showing 1 response by dfhaleycko

I've only heard the Green Mountain Calypso's. But I spent a good two days listening to them with all kinds of music. Amps were 70wpc tube monoblocks, so similar in power to your 2275 (which is a very nice sounding amp!).

Anyway, my listening notes remind me that the overwhelming feeling I had from the Calypso's was a feeling of naturalness and coherence. I tried everything from small jazz trios to huge sturm und drang Wagner extravaganza's, from metal and hard rock to folkie stuff. I did feel that the bass got a bit wooly at head-banger levels, but that was an amp issue, not the speakers.

Probably the best thing I can say about them is that they made me forget I was listening to recorded music. I kept getting sucked into my favorite recordings, and then at the end saying, oops, now what was I trying to nail down about the speakers with this?

My own speakers at the time were tri-amped Magneplanar 3.6s, which give a less grounded and much less natural presentation of the music than the Calypso's do. I highly recommend an audition of the GMA. They don't jump out at you in any particular regard, which means they don't start annoying you over extended listening sessions. I'm still kicking myself that I didn't buy them.

Hope this helps!