I'd recommend contacting Joe at JM Sound. He carries both speakers and knows them very well. He'll tell you straight up the strengths and weaknesses of both models.
I have owned the Continuum 3s by GMA and they are very clear with nice taut bass. The Calypso was the model below and was supposed to offer the same qualities for smaller rooms. I ran my C3s with solid state and am not familiar with Mac tube gear so I can't help you there. Not sure if PBN speakers come to life with tubes. I've heard various PBN models with kilowatt amps but I'll refrain from commentary as I never listened critically despite multiple informal sessions.
I'd recommend contacting Joe at JM Sound. He carries both speakers and knows them very well. He'll tell you straight up the strengths and weaknesses of both models.
I have owned the Continuum 3s by GMA and they are very clear with nice taut bass. The Calypso was the model below and was supposed to offer the same qualities for smaller rooms. I ran my C3s with solid state and am not familiar with Mac tube gear so I can't help you there. Not sure if PBN speakers come to life with tubes. I've heard various PBN models with kilowatt amps but I'll refrain from commentary as I never listened critically despite multiple informal sessions.