Green Mountain Audio Eos

GMA just posted information on their Eos line...

Having owned many GMA speakers, I will attest that Roy really knows what he's doing.
live in nyc< does anyone know where i can audition these?
any upcoming reviews or heaerd by anyone yet?
Call Eric at The Critical Listener in Rockland County.
Ya, your lucky... there seems to be very few dealers for these speakers, but one is in NYC... I'm in upstate NY, so it looks like about 300 miles to either NYC or Ohio to demo a pair myself...
If you're really interested, give Roy a call and see what he can do. There may be an owner in your area who would allow you give their speakers / system a listen.

Now, I highly doubt you'll find anyone with a set of Eos', but the Callistos will give you a good idea what you're in for. Roy claims even the low end Eos will out-perform the Callisto. Given how amazing I think my Callistos are, that's a bold statement to make.

I'd be surprised if I ever speak to someone with more passion about his craft than Roy Johnson.