Green Mountain Audio Chroma HX

Hi, Folks,
Do any of you have any experience with the latest iteration of Roy Johnson's Green Mountain Audio Rio stand mount? He's upgraded the crossover and internal wiring, and it's now called the Chroma HX.
Any impressions?


Showing 5 responses by audiokinesis

"I just upgraded from the chroma 2 to the HX version of the GMA RIO . The results were amazing!! much better cohesion across the frequency spectrum . The detail was also improved. I have owned many highly rated speakers and none of them come close to the overall musicality of the RIO HX." - Steven Cochran

"...these speakers have a very natural musical sound. They are for music lovers." - dbb

"Yes I have owned chromas and I hated them." - kenjit


Kenjit, can you describe your room and amplifier? Assuming dbb and Mr. Cochran are not deaf, it is possible that there is a serious problem elsewhere in your system that you are mistakenly attributing to the Chromas.

"Do it on any other high quality speaker and you wont feel a thing because they use a sharper order crossover slops which are much more phase cohesive."

Sharper crossover slopes are NOT "much more phase cohesive". The fact that a steeper crossover can be in-phase at the crossover point does not make the system itself more "phase cohesive" across its passband. And the "phase coherence" that is claimed by everyone and his brother originates in the marketing department: Almost always such designs have either 180 degrees of phase shift with the tweeter’s polarity inverted to put it back "in phase" at the crossover point (but not elsewhere), OR 360 degrees of phase shift which puts the drivers back "in phase" at the crossover point (but not elsewhere) while the woofer lags the tweeter by one cycle, which is hardly "phase coherence".


dealer/manufacturer/competes against Green Mountain Audio

Kenjit, when you ignore reasonable requests for relevant information that could undermine your position, it starts to look like you have an agenda (aside from your pattern of attacking Green Mountain Audio on this site, as shown by a glance at your posting history). 

Your analysis of the phase characteristics of the Chroma is completely incorrect, demonstrating that you are not qualified to critique the design from a technical standpoint.  (If anyone else is interested I can respond to kenjit's other "technical" criticisms.)

Speakers + amp + room = a system within a system, and blaming one without looking at the other two and how they interact is incomplete at best.  

You have gone well beyond "I didn't like these speakers".  You are clearly not qualified to critique them from a technical standpoint, you clearly have a agenda, and you are evidently averse to divulging information that would undermine your attacks on Green Mountain Audio. 


Kenjit said, "Actually yes I am averse because I know what your motive is for asking me about my room which is to then blame the room and discredit me."

I think you just discredited yourself yet again.

And how about the amp? Are you afraid to divulge that as well?

You disparage Green Mountain Audio while refusing to divulge information that could undermine your claims.

You have demonstrated that your "technical" analyses are incompetent.

You were dishonest in another thread when you said that Green Mountain Audio did not use measurements. There is no way you could have known something like that, so to make the claim as if you did know is dishonest. And your claim is also untrue.

This is not a court of law, but you have gone way beyond telling the truth (which is that you did not like the Chromas in your room with your amp). You have made statements that are not truthful, and here and now you are refusing to tell the whole truth.

When a witness has been shown to be dishonest in any of these ways, a jury may and often does disregard all of their testimony.

You do not need me to discredit you. 


Kenjit: "That sounds like what you’re doing Audiokinesis. You accuse me of dishonesty and question my motives all the while avoiding addressing any of the criticsms I’ve made to justify my belief that the product is flawed."

So now you accuse me of doing what you did (avoiding questions) when you NEVER directed a question at me until just now?  Kinda hypocritical, don’t you think?

I expect you to answer my questions about your room and amp in exchange for my responding to your criticisms.

Quoting kenjit again:

"1. Wrong box / woofer combination
2. The tweeter used in mine were not impedance corrected and not rolling off sufficiently.
3. Crossover was not optimized"

Here are my responses:

1. All box/woofer combinations involve tradeoffs.  You may disagree with Roy’s choice of tradeoffs, but that does not make them “wrong”.  A bigger box might go lower at the expensive of pitch definition.  A different woofer might have more bass but not meet the requirements for a time-coherent two-way speaker.  Did you try positioning the speakers to take full advantage of boundary reinforcement?  The speaker/room interaction dominates the bottom few octaves.

2. A tweeter does not necessarily need to be impedance corrected; competent designers aren’t limited to cookbook approaches.  And a first-order filter (essential for a time-coherent design) inherently has a gentle rolloff slope, so you have confirmed that Roy was doing that right.  Some tweeters can handle it and some cannot, it all depends on the specifics, but Roy is plenty smart enough to choose one that can.  I bet you could too if you had the right test equipment and used it properly.

3. How in the world do you know that the crossover is not optimized?  Have you seen the measurements?  Were you there when Roy presumably said, “It’s been a long day, I’m not going to optimize this crossover”?  What in the world basis do you have for making this kind of statement?  You don’t like the speaker, that’s one thing, but don’t start making things up.  There’s a word for that.  And aside from an incredible stroke of good luck, it is impossible to even approach time coherence without a LOT of optimization.

Now it’s your turn.  Show us that you’re not a hypocrite.  Tell us about your room and your amp.


"That would be off topic."

You made your room and your amp "on topic" when you attacked Roy and his speakers based on how they sounded in your room and with your amp.

"[unreasonable and unfounded attack... unreasonable and unfounded attack... unreasonable and unfounded attack]...So why is it wrong for me to state that no measurements were made?"

Because it is wrong to lie.
