Speaking as a woodworker, veneering marble isn’t that straightforward. Since you are only doing one side, and since the affects of environment on marble and wood are very different, choose wisely and test. A self-balanced veneer - two sheets stacked in opposite directions - is more stable than a raw veneer. A paper backed veneer is even more stable. Marble is a strange product with adhesives - so contact cement may be out. I use heat lock - but have no idea how it would work with the marble.
Green Mountain Audio
I picked up a set of Diamante's for cheap. They have trashed foam surrounds but otherwise seem fine. I plan on veneering the "marble" with a beautiful teak or rosewood- I haven't decided.The angles will look pretty cool with the right veneer. The marble is not so cool but rigid and heavy.
Curious if some upgraded drivers would improve the sound- as apposed to re-foaming. I realize this is a shot in the dark but my understanding is Roy from GMA has passed so not sure where to get driver advice. Open to any and all suggestions.