Great vintage MM cartridge for my Nottingham Analogue Spacedeck/Spacearm. Recommendations?

Currently have Goldring 1042. It is good but I might want to go higher. VAC Avatar SE tube integrated with onboard MM phono stage. I have no plans to upgrade it soon and go with a separate tube phono.

If not vintage, do you think that Nagaoka MP500 and the least expensive Audio Note would give a significant improvement ?

I am talking about $1000 cartridge, new or used.

What are your thoughts ?



Showing 1 response by awise1961

I've run several cartridges on my Nottingham Spacedeck over the years. Although not MM, for last ten years it has had my Koetsu RSP mounted on it, and I have no plans to change that out. For MM, as I recall, my favorite was a Clearaudio Maestro.