I've run several cartridges on my Nottingham Spacedeck over the years. Although not MM, for last ten years it has had my Koetsu RSP mounted on it, and I have no plans to change that out. For MM, as I recall, my favorite was a Clearaudio Maestro.
Great vintage MM cartridge for my Nottingham Analogue Spacedeck/Spacearm. Recommendations?
Currently have Goldring 1042. It is good but I might want to go higher. VAC Avatar SE tube integrated with onboard MM phono stage. I have no plans to upgrade it soon and go with a separate tube phono.
If not vintage, do you think that Nagaoka MP500 and the least expensive Audio Note would give a significant improvement ?
I am talking about $1000 cartridge, new or used.
What are your thoughts ?