Great sound from CD Changer?

I am putting together my first "audiophile" system. I have a jolida tube amp and B&W Nautilus 804 speakers. But I am looking for a CD Changer. I realize that I just can't live with a single CD player...just too inconvenient for me. Are there are "audiophile" quality CD changers out there?

Showing 1 response by dekay

CAL made one (model CL-10) which is good as a stand alone but that can also be used with an external DAC. I just saw a used one listed at this site for a very fair price. Anthem (the budget Sonic Frontiers) made one that I am not familiar with. There is a cheap Aiwa model ($100.00) that is said to work very well as a transport with an external DAC (it can also be modified), and though I was tempted I never picked one up because I assume that the transport mechanism would not last long with the 8-10 hours a day that we listen to music. Quite a few SACD changers will also be hitting the market. Don't know how they will sound, but they will play standard CD's as well and should be worth a listen. Again you could always ad a DAC to improve standard CD playback.