Great song to test bass

Try this song 
"BASS Drops" by Nenad Vasilic from album Bass Room.
Great for testing bass and imaging
Actual Gavrilo's principles is good too

Showing 10 responses by ecpninja

Nice sound thanks for the link.
I also listen to artist Brian Bomberg album titled "My  Bass" some really nice string work there.
Keep the suggestions coming .Great way to discover new arists/ music
Thanks for all the great suggestions I am discovering great new music
Really love the Nend Vasilic sound on album Bass Room.
Also I don't listen to EDM  music that much but I am really impressed by the integration of percussion and horns used in Yello's "Live in Berlin"video/album on you tube (video) album on Tidal.

Trip trap by Marcus Miller great track thanks for the suggestion I have added to must play list

More great songs

"My Bass" Brain Bromberg artist from album Brain Bromberg.

Great bass and speed

:poem of Chinese Drum" artist Hoke-man Yim

"Fever" artist Malia off album Convergence

"Dinner at the Sugarbush" artist Brent Lewis album Drumsex

Nice  sound Jafant thanks for the track. Like his sound great mix of instruments