Great MONO recordings

I hope this will be a worthwhile thread, although I worry that the topic might be too broad. I'm interested in great LPs from any genre where it its better to go with the MONO version than the stereo version (I have a MONO Shelter 501 cartridge arriving soon). I supposed the Beatles first several LPs would be obvious choices. Any suggestions much appreciated. Thanks!


Showing 2 responses by mcmprov

Thanks. I have been interested in getting more into classical music. I have been enjoying KDFC, the classical station in the Bay Area. I have even thought about getting an old tube tuner. Although my classical collection is small, for Tristan & Isolde, I have a very nice LP boxed set with Brigit Nilsson / Georg Solti / London Stereo, which, I think, is also really good.
I really appreciate all of the suggestions. This Shelter 501 Mono seems to be on back order, so I guess it will be a few weeks. Good thing I already have the Gil Melle Jazz Patterns from Music Matters. I had thought that the Mono cartridge would benefit mostly older recordings. I would have thought the Music Matters reissues would have optimal sound even on a stereo cartridge, as they are already very quiet pressings. I guess I'll have a chance to hear for myself in a few weeks. I just got a mint copy of Bob Dylan's debut in stereo. Sounds I had never heard him before. I would have thought that Bob Dylan's early stuff would sound better on MONO, as I think they were recorded in MONO...anyway, I really appreciate the suggestions and will look into these. THANKS!