Great country music recording

As you can see, I love listening to country music. Especially when it envolves alot of acoustic guitar, steel, and vocals. What are you recommendations for great recording on country music?

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Showing 1 response by muzikat

All of the above suggestions are good.
I would add:
Kevin Welch
Jim Lauderdale
Jimmy Dale Gilmore
Kelly Willis
Gillian Welch

For especially good steel guitar work:
Waylon Jennings had a steel player named Ralph Mooney, he was one of the best in country music. A couple of albums really stand out, "This Time" "Honkey Tonk Heroes" "Lonsome O'nry and Mean" are my favorites, there are more.
The Flying Burrito Brothers had a really good steel guitar player named "Sneeky" Pete Kleinow. Their albums are good, especially "Gilded Palace of Sin". While we're on the Burritos, as someone mentioned above, anything by Gram Parsons is good.
I have been a big fan of country/alt country for a long time. Most of the recordings are very well done and sound great on a good system.