Great Classical Recordings

Hello Great Hive of Knowledge -- and Opinion --

I can’t find what I am looking for. I know many great classical performances but not one that is actually RECORDED well in the sense that Muddy Watter’s Falk Singer is a great recording. Best I can describe it is you hear instruments arranged in space (a sort of sculpture), not a mush of sound. I am especially interested in operas and symphonies. but would also like to hear about smaller ensemble work 

Thank you in advance.


Showing 3 responses by petar3

Savall's Beethoven Revolution is opening my eyes -- better to say, ears -- to classical music in a new way. Many thanks. will try to find and listen to others. 

SACD might play a role, not just the recording, I am beginning to realize. 

Glad I asked. 

thank, simonmoon. I'll make sure to try Krenek. I too like new classical -- on Tidal, most Glass is awful. Reich is not far behind. It has been hard for me to find a really good recording. 

I did not ask that a symphony orchestra be EQUALLY recorded as a small band, only for the same referential status.