Great CDP with No volume control

I've spent many hours in the archives looking for CDP recommendations. Seems like many of the top rated (Wadia, Opus 21, Audio Aero, ML) have volume controls and are best if run directly to the amp. I just bought a new preamp (the Syrah) and I also have a TT, so I plan to run the CDP through the preamp. I'm wondering if I would be wasting $ on these top rated CDPs since I do NOT need the volume control? In other words, are there less expensive CDPs with no volume control that (with my Syrah) would sound nearly as good as the top rated players?

Currently I have
Sony DVP9000ES
Syrah preamp
modified Golden Tube amps
Martin Logan SL3


Showing 3 responses by warrenh

Try this on for size: The Audio Aero Prima. Cannot be touched for near the $2200 price tag. A few tubes in this baby sweetens the sound up nicely. I love mine. peace, warren
Lazarus, I believe the operative words are/were "I think." Destroys?? give me a break. peace, warren