Great Cables ... That Get Little Attention

I have had the HiDiamond XLR 2 interconnects in my system for 2 days. They are simply stunning. I have never heard any other interconnects that do what the HiDiamonds do to bring the emotion and aliveness into my system -- or any other system I have ever auditioned over the years. Words cannot do justice to these interconnects -- right out of the box without break-in.

HiDiamond is a company that gets little attention. They are an Italian company so this is understandable. Have you had a similar experience with unsung cables from an obscure company?

Please note I am not in the audio business and have no association with any audio company -- other than being a customer.

Showing 3 responses by telescope_trade

Foster 9 & SMw30,

Hmmm...yea, there are a lot of great cables out there. I think I will steer clear of the HiDiamonds. What Smw
say's brings back a lot of bad memories with other company's.
Not saying anything is wrong but!?!?...just a bad vibe!