Great bargain - but outta my reach

Ever been grazing the classified here on A'Gon and seen a piece that you KNEW was a KILLER component and was listed at what you KNEW was a KILLER price, but still at a price that was outta the reach of your wallet? A rhetorical question, I guess, cause it has happened to me twice this week.

What piece like that have you seen that has just frustrated the bejeebers out of you and does it make you less satisfied with what you have when you just coulda had better at a smokin' price, if only....?

Showing 1 response by mgottlieb

Well, there are the used Rockport Antares still listed here, I think. Fortunately, Egglestonworks has a program which is allowing me to upgrade my Andras to Andra IIs for a fairly nominal amount, and I should be 100% satisfied. But there are those Antares....