Great Acoustic Guitar Recordings

I've got a Michael Hedges ("Aerial Boundaries") and diMeola/deLucia/McLaughlin CD ("Friday Night In San Francisco"), and I'm looking to expand my collection. I truly enjoy the latter CD. Hedges is a little theedy-weedy for me though Any other suggestions you guys can turn me on to? Hedges is a little boring for my taste. Something that kicks over something entirely sedate is what I'm after. Don't get me wrong. I'm not looking for acoustic speed metal. ;) And try to hold off on the suggestions if there's singing involved. Other than that, hook me up with some new music to buy!

Showing 1 response by eldragon

"The Guitarist John Williams". The BEST guitar CD i heard to date! Performs work by: Mikis Theodorakis, Carlo Domeniconi, Satie...etc. Also "Krusevo" Vlatko stefanovski, D. Tadic from M.A.recordings(stereophile R2df)