Grant Green suggestions

Some time back, Green was strongly recommended in a thread here and I bought "Aint't It Funky Now". I just got around to cuing it up and I am loving it.

Which Grant Green release should I look for next?

Thanks in advance.


Showing 3 responses by martykl


Thanks for the heads up.
I just got hold of the three live sets - figuring that they'll cover a fair bit of ground and give me a feel for GG's range. I'm just unwrapping the first one today and hope to spin it up on the commute home.
After that I'll work thru the recommended GG studio discs above.
Then I'll check out the collaborations you suggest. Lots of listening ahead.

Once again, thanx to all who have taken the time to contribute here.


Utterly unknown to me - and I would remember anyone who goes by the name of "boogallo". I will check it out - thanx again.
