Granite Slabs

I recently put granite slabs under my Paradigm Studio 100..the sound is not worse then before if not wife listened;she said the bass is tighter..slightly..but when I listen to it I feel like I lost some bass..or I feel as if the speakers don't rock as much as they used to before..or I am mistaken???..I don't know..can you help me??I would like to hear your experience with marble or granite under the speakers..did I really lose bass??(my ground is wooden..I used to have small carpets under each speaker I have the slabs)

Showing 2 responses by chams_uk


I had my speakers (VMPS 626 Ribbon Monitors) on top of granite blocks 12" x 12" x 16" high.

I also noticed a slight tightening of the bass, but I think it went down as deep. Ultimately, what I think I eliminated was floor resonances.

One other thought, may work even better: try a vinration draining platform under the speaker, with and without the granite slabs. I got a pair of Resolution Audio platforms and they did very nice things. I now use them between the blocks and speakers, and they're not moving.

I think the granite slabs give the speakers the stiffness as a good stand, but the vibrations may end up going back into the box, and this can color the sound. The A-R platforms, like the Symposiums, drain the energy away fromt he cabinet.

See if you can borrow soem Symposiums if you have a local dealer, or look at; FYI, I own 4 A-R platforms, am VERY pleased with them, and wrote a review on Audiogon, check it out.

Much luck !

Todd - chams_uk
If you're not TOO worried about the looks, find any local stone yard. They have "scraps" that they can let go cheaply, heck, they're usually happy to get them out of their place.

I got my 12" x 12" x 16" blocks for $50 apiece (~300lbs each !). I got a 12" square by 4" slab for $20. I then got a 25" x 18" x 2" AND a 27" x 19" x 1" slab for $30 the pair. The latter slab has a "groove" through it, but it makes no difference to me !

MUCH better than paying hundreds for some of the stuff you see here. You give up the best fo looks, but functionally, they are 100% great. And if they go under equipment or speakers, most of it isn't visible anyways !

Sorry for the diatribe, I just wanted to pass on potentially money saving advice.

Good luck !

Todd - chams_uk