Grandinote becoming more U.S.A.

I would like to introduce myself, my name is Massimiliano Serra and I am in charge for the US market for Grandinote.

Grandinote is working on making products more readily available in USA and we decided to introduce ourselves directly to you. We will try to attend more at events and exhibitions in US. We also decided to support platforms like Audiogon by putting some of our products on sale HERE with a discount reserved only for you Audiogon members, like a 20% discount on brand new Shinai integrated amplifier or 50% on Mach 9 speakers ex-demo.

The e-commerce is now called Grandinote USA and has a .com domain cause in the close future we will have an US division in addition to the Italian HQ.

I know some of you already know our Made in Italy Hi-Fi electronics and even someone here is already a customer of Grandinote.

We would like to say thank you to Audiogon and mods that allowed us to make all of this and we wish to keep that thread to talk about Grandinote, about our products and technologies like Magnetosolid for amps or our crossover less speakers with S.R.T. and update with our news and events.

So, where we start to know each others? :)


Showing 3 responses by shkong78

I recommend you to attend Axpona 2024 held on April.


It is the largest audio trade show in US.


I had already made all the reservations to attend it.

Good luck to you!



Nice sounds.


I also enjoy my line array speaker Scaena 3.2/


Good Luck to you!



I am using hybrid of modern and Altec bass horn vintage speaker.


290hz up Scaena main towier

From 290 to 75hz Altec basshorn

75 hz down tandem of Pair Rel 31 and pair Scaena 18 inch subwoofers.


Line array speaker tend to give wide and deep soundstage with nice placement of voice and instruments.

