Grand Prix versus Stillpoints

Anyone compared Grand Prix Monaco to Stillpoints Component stand? In my case it would be for amps.
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Showing 6 responses by theaudiotweak

The GPA stands require the Sorbathane to be replaced. Like tube gear that needs its valves replaced every so often. How do you determine when the rack is at its peak performance if it goes thru this decreasing term of performance. There must also be a time curve to reach its peak performance level. Just wondering. Tom

What is Stillpoints purchase/return you know?

Someone, some magazine that is not a subject of advertisers will... simply needs to order up a sample of all the big boys and not so big and just listen. I would lend my ear to such a collective shootout and bring along a design that neither proclaims to isolate, constrain or damp. Descriptive words that should not be used in the conductance of music production or of its reproduction.


There has been a racking and platform system whose design from the outset was to deal with self generated resonance within components as well as airborne disturbance within the listening environment. Isolation is only possible in the absence of matter. Tom
Isolation only exists in the absence of matter. If you design a product based on the false premise that isolation is possible in the dimensions in which we exist then you wasted your time and energy. The much more effective resolution is to design a pathway for resonant energy to pass to ground. Even in archaic and so-called isolation systems resonant energy will eventually find its way out and to ground but very slowly leaving vague musical memories of notes of the past. Much like an inferior capacitor distorts and blurs the sound stage. All of my components and boards, speakers, drivers....they are all assembled as a conduit to ground. No mud or rubber or carbon fiber in between. The racking system has been on the market for years...
There are many who have been consistent for the last twenty years in the applications of resonance collection and transfer to ground. The collection of resonance is supported by material selection { not plastic not carbon fiber not delrin not acrylic ] as well as several other key techniques. Your welcome to discover these on your own.
The same rack technology has been applied to the entire signal chain including internal and external cables. The platform is the same technology applied to a single device such as mono amps stereo subs..devices that sound better having their own separate path to ground. Some also need to brush up on their reading and comprehension skills. I have already repeated myself two and half times.

The application of resonance control to the cables was started many years ago. Though these materials added are considered passive by nature they become reactive to the electron flow as well as to floor borne and airborne vibrations. My system is wired in this manner. Thanks Tom