Grammys for 2010, so far...

My top three,
Tom Petty "Mojo"
Rosanne Cash "The List"
Peter Wolf "Midnight Souvenirs"

Petty was expected, always excellent!

Cash was unexpected, can't wait for "The List II"

Peter Wolf, was unexpected and wins my vote for "LP of the Year! Awesome in every way!!!

Showing 2 responses by ballan

So far....

"Scratch My Back" by Peter Gabriel
"Plastic Beach" by Gorillaz
"Heligoland" by Massive Attack
"Brothers" by The Black Keys
"Go" by Jonsi
"This Is Happening" by LCD Soundsystem

Are any of these Grammy material, probably not, which is why I think the Grammys are worthless. :(
@Azaud: Yes! The "Broken Bells" album is great, too. Add it to my list.

@Raytheprinter and Kennyt: I'm glad to see that others have good taste. ;)

Maybe we should start our own awards for music? I think we have a chance of being more relevant than the Grammys....