Grado Statement 3--any experience?

My Statement 1 is reaching the end of its stylus life, and I am considering whether to trade it in for the current version, a Statement 3, or get it retipped.  I'd be grateful to hear of any experience with a Statement 3 or with getting a Grado wood-body retipped.  Thank you.
I have a Statement3 on an SME 12A turntable. Long story short, everyone that has heard it so far is reconsidering their fixation with MC cartridges. Interesting since, I believe, Grado received the original MC patent.

I guess the real news is how much of what I love about the Statement3 is also found in their new, $275 entry level wood body cartridge (Opus3).

Legendary, small US audio business. Obviously I'm a big fan.
Thanks. That is quite a statement regarding the Opus3.  So you have both? What is the Opus3 missing in comparison to the Statement3?  Thank you!

@adamay  What about your Statement1 cartridge? Did you ended retip it or exchange with a Statement3?

Just to inform you that I love Grado cartridges and I do retip them to original specs or upgrade them!

Keep in mind that the Original Statement and the the Statement1 has Gold coils. The Statement2 & 3 have copper coils! The only current model that feature Gold coils is their flagship cartridge Epoch!

If you like have a look on my Instagram as "eposlab"