Grado Reference Sonata re-tip

Thinking about getting my cart re-tipped, but was wondering if anybody has had one done by Soundsmith instead of sending it back to Grado. Sound better? Not as good? Different in what way? Any input would be appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by mofimadness

Several years ago, Peter did both a Sonata and a Master for me. I thought that both sounded as good if not a tad bit better. They seemed to be a little smoother.
Yogiboy is correct. Not only the Needle Doctor, but almost
any Grado dealer can do this. You send in your cartridge and
they will send you a new one. The price for your Sonata is
$400.00. That's why I went with Peter's retip of $250. If
you want to keep it original, then there is an alternative.