It's like reading a notes made by someone for himself with the only difference that OP is a professional dealer specialized in second hand cartridges from japan, someone who purchased from him can comment about his grading when it comes to condition of his used cartridges (always stated 200hrs of use for all of them on audiogon when the real time of use is absolutely unknown since they are coming from unknown Japanese sellers mostly with no time to test them properly, because after inspection some of them appeared to be worn, but the OP's target is quick sell for low price, this is all about business). I bought some and i remember that his reference was his guide with those digits, some carts were worn out, some ended with one channel malfunction, some were just an average cartridges i would never buy again, some of them still working.
But what i've learned over the years is that no one can tell you what's the best, most of the time other people reference standard is not my reference. So lists like that is nothing but a nonsense, sorry.
A cartridge comparison must be done correctly and if someone is doing it then he must do that slowly, no rush, and not biased by re-selling some of them. Also it's important to test at least 2-3 samples of the same cartridge if they are vintage. It's time consuming, especially with 497 cartridges.
Again, this system might be fine for the dealer to make notes for himself, but it has nothing to do with reality i believe. Also such "grading" can only confuse some people and they will go to the wrong pass. We've seen it before a few times with tons of rubbish cartridges in his strange notes.
Now we see his own cartridge (Aidas) on top of the list, sure, fair test, no doubt, lol. It is more about the ego (imo).
I would prefer to read about cartridge testing not from the dealer, manufacturer or professional re-seller and i would prefer to see a proper A/B test with much lower quantity and more time for listening each cartridge with some good music from a person with "fresh ears", good taste and proper hearing abilities (younger age). I know we're all selling our spares or just selling some gear, but it's our own cartridges/gear that we know very well. It's not a bunch of 800 cartridges purchased for quick re-sell after notes made, this is a business model.
In our hobby all we need is TIME and PASSION