Got the Speakers, Now what?

I obtained a pair of Klipsch KF28 floor speakers recently, and am now currently tracking down a pair of Technics 1200s.

Other than that I have no idea.

Overhauling our lame stereo in the apartment (mind you, apartment), and finally adding the glory of vinyl after 3+ years of wifely bitching! I'd love some help in figuring out what equipment I should be sure to have... example: does a Technics 1200 TT require a separate pre-amp or amp, if I intend to run a DJ mixer panel between the two tables? And what type of receiver must I be sure to have, be it one with an amp, or without... 7.1 or 5.1 or 2-channel... I have no idea what these things mean, unfortunately.

If anyone cares to toss in some advice, I'd be happy as heck to catch it!

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