Got my Berlin Mini's today

Purchased a pair of the lowest priced dc10 speakers I could find to get my feet wet for little $$ and see if I want to step up to the bigger ones I bought them on ebay...scary!

OMG! There is no question in my mind these little things KILLED Avishai Cohen Trio!! Killed it, nailed it DEAD! I have never heard another speaker this size any size that can even be in the SAME room with these Sorry if I'm excited!

The horn tweeter port is innovative but I think this resonator (mine is in spruce) is some kind of miracle!

Big ones on order!
Thanks, I'll see if I can figure it out I think there was a Piano company building wooden loudspeakers too and still in operation.

There was a speaker in the late 1980's ? with wooden internal chambers I cannot remember what it was called (Brand,model or designer) but it was very interesting the wood was not really a resonator but it must have resonated a bit?

Otherwise, the tone-wood resonator is unique as far as I know.
The bass is just amazing most especially for its diminutive size anyone else know of an internal resonator like this??
What are you talking about? I thought this was a forum for open feedback ?? I bought some speakers and I love them and I posted to that effect..Is Agone reserved only for the manufactures to blog about their own goods? (tekton zu magico salk)
Similar patterns, close enough approach, can't help but notice!

Apology if NOT.. Must be his twin with same school of thought. ;)
"berkeleyaudiogeek is NOT mountain high."

No, but he will do until mountainhigh can get here.......

Sounding nice with the big McIntosh gear the big mono's really man handle these little woofers and have amazing bass slam!

I got a little over excited and gushy but I've been living with my old klipsch Le Scala's for so long and the sound is that of a couple speakers in a pine box!
La david,

I know it's not the best ethics for them to end auctions early but that's how I got mine. Sorry you got burned. Anyway, I don't trust ebay for the most part.
I asked for a "buy it now" and they ended the auction early at a great deal! There is another pair for sale now with a $250.00 bid currently.

Get them if you can.

Item number: 230933034814
how come there is no completed listing on ebay anytime recently for a pair of these? I wanted to see which ones you got.
Who was the seller? My pair are not even B stock apparently they get a few pair to auction off for advertising..well it works! Absolutely the best piano I have ever heard.
I tried to buy a pair on ebay this Fall and the seller ended the sale about 1 day before the auction closed. Was not impressed ... still intrigued by mostly independent comments about these speakers from events like RMAF. Would like to hear more.