Most bang for the buck-Dedicated outlets in my opinion.
A "beefed up" wall outlet like the PS Audio Port? See if Audiogon member AlbertPorter still has his Cryo Hubble outlets for sale. Just as good if not better(I'm thinking better) and cheaper:$36.00
A "beefed up" power strip like a PS Audio Juice Bar? You can build your own. Find a metal power strip which you can remove the outlets and install your own. I found one which the outlets mated up perfectly. Use Porter Ports of course.
Or a power conditioner like a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet? I dunno, I've got one. I would strongly suggest dedicated lines first.
That's the end of my specific knowledge with the listed products. Some people love the power regenerators, some hate them. I've never used one, a P300 on your amp, my guess is you would blow the P300 up. Check with PS Audio before you purchase it.
Cleaning before/using stock cords: Generally you will gain benefits from using both. I don't think most power cords will really "clean" the power, merely transport the juice "better"
Above all else these things really depend one your source power. If the juice coming out of the wall is great, you will not get as much of an improvement. If the juice is total crap, go to town. How can one tell, easiest method is trial and error.
Good luck,