Got money in the bank. Please help

I have sold my speakers and have money in the bank.
Here is the problem, I AM NOT SURE WHAT TOP DO?

I want to get into a planer speaker. To be honest I would like to get some Martin Logan's but the almost NEVER come up on the used market in Canada (I live in BC). I just missed a pair of Aerius's and I am really disappointed.

I have $1000 Canadian or about $800 USD in the bank and I can stretch my budget to allow about another $200. If I wait longer I can add about $100 CAN or $80US a month, but I am wanting some speakers soon.

I am a lover of music and listen to pretty much everything under the sun other than rap and country.

My other gear includes:
Rega Planet 2000
Blue Circle CS integrated
BC 61 power cords for both CD and AMP
Monster Power 2600 (Not the best I know)
DMN reason interconnect with bullet plugs.
Going to buy some Goertz MI2 speaker cables

I would like to get some ML's wether they be Aerius or Scenario's ( or another ML if I can find and afford one that is). I would be like to try some Magnepan MG12's too, but I can't afford new ones and I have never seen a used pair in Canada. This really only leaves the MMG, but think it's below were I want to be (never heard it, just going off reviews and posts).

What should I do? Any recommendations? How would the MMG compare to the MG12 compared to the Aerius and other smaller Logan's?

Currently I am in a 10x12 room which is really bad in the low end. I am considering moving my rig into the main room 21x12 with large openings into other rooms. Then in about 6 months I am going to have a dedicated room in my basement (still have to build it). It will be 13.5 x 11.5, but because I will in a heritage home the ceiling will only be about 71" once I am done, but there will be acousitc treatment.

Sorry for rambling but have thought about this so much I have confused myself. I think I need an outside opinion so comments and opinions are welcome.


Showing 1 response by jeffloistarca

Hi Nick,

There are plenty of Aerius speakers in Canada, the trouble is they are worth more to the owner's than buyers are willing to pay. I have a pair of Aerius I use in my home office system, I wouldn't sell 'em for $1000 Cdn. What could I buy to replace 'em that would be anywhere near as good?

Best thing is to wait patiently, perhaps place a wanted ad here on AudioGon and on Canuck Audiomart. You may find a buyer who really needs to sell a pair and you'll be all set.

Good luck, Jeff