Got Innuous, now a DAC

I worked with the Music Room and purchased an Innuous Zen Mk3. I remember five years ago when I started building my system, I heard many say streamers don’t matter. Well they do. I thought my BS Node 2i was good with the after market power supply. The Innuous kicked dirt in the face of the BS. The Innuous forced me to use USB which probably helps as well. And an added benefit: NO MORE SOFTWARE ISSUES. Yay! Qobuz internet interface is great. The sound of Qobuz is so good it made my $400 BT speakers sound better.

The Music Room associate said I will see another step improvement. I have looked around. I think R2R might be a good try. I would characterize my system as neutral. I have eliminated most glare or listening fatigue. But I don’t know what I don’t know.

I would like to keep this under $2000. Here are some that I found.

Denafrips Pontus 12 $1500

Ali express Denafrips 15 $1518 plus ship

Aqua La Voce. ???

Ayre Dx9. I think these are old but have good rep. I think it s Delta Sigma

Chord ??

Gustard. R26 mixed reviews

Bel Canto ???

i will not be updating amp and preamp. Thank you in advance.

The brands are exploding, but thank you in advance for your suggestions. 



I have the same Innuos Zen Mk3, also from The Music Room, and run it through a PS Audio Directstream DAC. I use USB that first goes through a Matrix Audio x-SPDIF2 that has an IIS output the DAC can use. You can probably get the Directstream Mk1 for under $2000 used since the Mk2 came out. The Music Room sells PS Audio’s trade-in gear so they usually have the older model in stock. Several folks in our local audio club have them I had tried and tried to run a Mac Mini as my server with.Audirvana, and finally gave up and got the Innuos. Their app is very good, and yes, Qobuz sounds super thru the Innuos.

Thanks everybody.  I have been looking at Holo Audio.  I could get a Cyan 2 for $1100 from Kitsune, the US dealer. It takes up to 6 wks while ghey are built. They are all over Ebay for about $1800.  Puzzling.  I would prefer the Spring.  The tricked out version has silver wire transformers!  The Denafrips is still hanging around.  It is a high value choice.

I did pair my pulsar with soulnote d-2 and external clock soulnote x3 and Shunyata sigma usb cable. 

It's the best I've heard so far in my house.  

I recently upgraded my DAC to a Schiit Audio Gungnir 2, and I am very pleased with the sound quality.  Streaming Tidal through my iPad Pro, it is very good, and I know when I replace the iPad with a dedicated streamer—I am considering the Innuous Zen MkIII and the PSAudio AirLens—it will improve further; in fact, I expect it will make it amazing, because it already sounds like the musicians are in the room.  Even my non-audiophile wife—who nonetheless enjoys fine music reproduced accurately—commented on the improvement.  Price was $1599, and Schiit has a 15-day trial period, with a five percent fee for return.  I believe it worthy of consideration in the price range.