Got $ should I spend it?

Hello everyone,

Last year I had to sell my gear, which consisted of GMA Europas, melody tube amp and squeezebox, in order to finish up my graduate studies. Well I am done thankfully and want to get back and want to build a system to listen to music again. Unfortunately, my girlfriend has given me some guidelines: it must be relatively compact and at a thousand or less. All understandable considering we are trying to save for a house.

What are my options. I really enjoyed my Europas and ideally like to get
something along those lines but maybe in an active speaker design to try to get the best bang for my buck. Although if anyone can recommend a setup for $1000 for speaker and amp please go ahead.

Any ideas?
Just a quick note to add :

There is a Melody amps at ebay right now, if you miss the tube sound, that will fit into your budget.

You can get a used good classic speakers for $200 off ebay, and with a Playstation 1 CD player, you are all set.

You can get Ixos Gamma Geomatry cables here :
I prefer new products with a warranty and, hopefully, long-term trouble-free performance. For an amp and speakers under $1000, I'd suggest an NAD C326BEE ($499) with Bose 301 series V speakers ($329) and stands ($89). I know Bose is considered something of a joke, but I've been very pleased with the sound quality I've gotten from them in my apartment. They give pleasing, well-balanced sound everywhere in the room (not just a small sweet spot), and, as I've typically found with 8", two-way models, have sufficient low-end response to be satisfying without bothering with a subwoofer.
You should also consider the NHT M-00 Powered monitors. They are on sale at and they come with a free attenuator box.

Agree for the most part with Bongofury - consider a decent headphone setup. Perhaps start with a nice CD player with a headphone output and then add a modest separate headphone amp as funds permit. As an added bonus, you won't be able to hear her voice, at least while you're listening. Only kidding. (No i'm not)