Got $ should I spend it?

Hello everyone,

Last year I had to sell my gear, which consisted of GMA Europas, melody tube amp and squeezebox, in order to finish up my graduate studies. Well I am done thankfully and want to get back and want to build a system to listen to music again. Unfortunately, my girlfriend has given me some guidelines: it must be relatively compact and at a thousand or less. All understandable considering we are trying to save for a house.

What are my options. I really enjoyed my Europas and ideally like to get
something along those lines but maybe in an active speaker design to try to get the best bang for my buck. Although if anyone can recommend a setup for $1000 for speaker and amp please go ahead.

Any ideas?

Showing 1 response by wratman

A thousand bucks?
Who has that kind of scratch?
Hell...I've put systems together for half that amount.
Watch the classifieds, find the deals, and you should have enough left over for an engagement ring.
I bought my wife's at the pawn shop.
It helps if she appreciates vintage jewlry
Good luck and my best to you and your girlfriend.