Goodmans 212 Triaxiom

Hi new to board
Anybody familar to these drivers? Picked up a mint pair for $300.00Can ($200US) But need encloser design or sugessions. Ran one with a MC30 using a cardboard box (couldn't wait to listen). Sounds better than my Paradigm 40v2's and Tannoy 10" Golds. Thanks

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My dad also owns a pair of Goodmans Axiom, but they haven't been used for years as I bought them a pair of SF Cremona. Those Axiom edges have rotten over the years from humidity and heat, cones are also not in their top shape. Worth rebuilding? My dad insists those old Goodmans are as good as any modern offering, but I have never heard them properly setup and driven so can't comment on the sound.

Alvaro, do you have enclosure designs for other Goodmans drivers?