Goodbye Everyone

Rather than just disappear, I'd like to say thanks to everyone who gave me help, taught me stuff, the many friendly members.



I think it's a unique and not always harmless skill to know how to work people. I can see how it's frustrating to not able to  Lively Up the place. You can't blame yourself.

(I have 0 of these skills. It reminds me of Planes, Trains and Automobiles, e.g. the bus scene, where Neal couldn't sing anything to be followed and Del hit it off instantly with anyone)

My take- don't worry about the "likes" or positive feedback from your posts. (It's a dopamine hit, I know). Instead, just contribute where you can here, there and elsewhere. 

I got frustrated back in 2014 that none of the sites were addressing my particular interests so I started my own. (It's not a high traffic, forum type place, more for my own musings, and a fair amount about records, not gear).

I take breaks from this place and others. There are still some good contributors here. Sometimes the s/n ratio isn't good but I just ignore it or don't visit for a while. 

If your health is still decent and you enjoy the hobby/music/whatever your angle is, that's really all that counts. 


@elliottbnewcombjr I also have enjoyed and learned from your postings.

Still somewhat of a newbie, I have often referred to your postings for quite a few topics.

Hopefully you will check in from time to time.

All the best to you!