Good value upgrade from PSB STRATUS GOLDS to ?

The upgrade bug is beginning to Bite. Can anyone suggest a good value replacement for the stratus golds. I listen to mostly to smooth jazz and classic rock. My listening room is fairly large at 27 by 18 feet with a vaulted ceiling. I would hope to retain my existing components. Bryston 4bst, Rogue 66 Magnum preamp, Msb dac with p1000 PS, etc. Would appreciate anyones thoughts.


Showing 1 response by 4yanx

Alan, I will view this thread with interest and hope you get a lot of good suggestions. I will not forward one because I am not strictly familiar with your other equipment.

I understand your dilemna, though. I started with a pair of Goldi's and still have them in my separate HT system. You can look long and hard and not find better speakers at even twice the used price. If budget is really an issue, contact member "Trelja" and inquiry about upgrading the XO's and tweets in the Goldi's. Dramatic improvement and it takes them to yet another value-laden level.