Good value for money speaker cables around $200

Hi everyone,

Im currently using Belkin silver pure av cable on my full range floorstanding speakers, and want to try something potentially better. In the $200 range, Ive narrowed it down to Nordost flatlines, AQ rockett 33 or 44, Clear Day shotguns, Morrows sp2, and maybe some Kimber thing. Unfortunately I cant go and listen to these and compare them since where I live theyre not available, so was hoping to hear from folks who have had a chance to compare these different cables either at home or in stores. I shld add that my amp is a ss integrated, and I listen mostly to vinyl on a debut iii at the moment. Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciates, especially if you have some or alot of experience w any of these cables, or if theres something worth looking at that Ive missed. Thanks in advance,


Showing 10 responses by gbb

Thanks tw, but being overseas means I cant use their lending library, so am forced to buy blind/deaf, hence all my questions.
I shld also mention I listen mostly to classical and jazz, i.e. acoustic instruments recorded live, so am curious how copper vs silver in a ss system match up in that respect.
Thanks all for your replies so far. Here are the speakers I own,
And Im using their amp, aa max 150, a 55 wpc integrated a/b class ss. My speaker runs are 10 ft. Another cable maker Im seriously considering is DNM, any thoughts? Thanks,

Thanks, Rodman, but Im overseas and the seller will only ship US. But I take it you mean kimber 8tc generally, in which case could you say a little more about what you like about it compared to similarly priced cables?
What about older higher end models, like aq k2 flatrock or kk 8tc? They seem to only have them in 8ft runs though, for some reason. My cables are 12 ft long, fwiw.
Schubert, in my case, would you get the dnm resolution or precision? My speakers claim 90db sensitivity, and my amp 55wpc. Thanks.
Do these 8 tc s look legit to you?
Ebm: which model rs?
Thanks Goose, Im guessing the Zen are significantly more expensive?

As a more general matter, would you all say you look at cables as onthe same level as one more component, or rather a kind of fine tuning mechanism once youve settled on your primary components?
Just looked upthe satori, thrice as much roughly! Why dont you switch goose?

On a reated matter, what are you guys listening to right now? Myself, right now its cowboy junkies double live cd, and just before Bebo and Cigala's Lagrimas Negras.
Im leaning towards clear days for speaker cables, only hesitating because, being overseas, I cant try em out but have to commit. And so am wondering if there are any others out there running pauls cables w ss gear, and whether silver's alleged lack of warmth manifests itself especially strongly w ss gear.
Also, Paul recommended matching speaker sensitivity to strand density, sothe lower your sensitivity, the more strands he suggests you use. I was wondering what sensitivity speakers folks are running w whch type of Pauls cables, and whether you had a chance to compare the different types on your system. My speakers are 90db sensitive, and am thinking of getting pauls shotguns, as the doubles are too expensive for me right now. Thanks,
