Good tweaking tools to share

I share some tweaking tools with my friends because they are very expensive, seldom use them, but are essental to have periodic maintaince. or tweaking. Some of my examples are a Wind's stylist gauge, TT speed strobe, Fluxbuster, and a Mobie and others. Do you do this on certain items, what are those and their purpose?
Gerrym- Good! BTW, rumour has it that Mobie production has/will stop. Apparently priced too low to turn a profit. Not sure if MD has any stock. Delivery times were quite long late last year when I looked into buying one.
Alexc. No I didn't pay $700, just my poor Mobie price memory while I was at work on the phone. Your right about $250 from Music Direct. I also have the NAMIKI direction finder. These all seem to be getting right tools or maintaince.
The most important and most clearly audible system "tweak" is not really a tweak, but getting the A/C electrical polarity to all your components correct. When its backwards, a startaling loss of resolution occurs as well as soundstage losses. More aggressive component behavior is also a byproduct. A product called the NAMIKI direction finder, years ago, was available for this purpose, but I am not sure if there is a modern equivalent. Many power cords do not have a ground pin to establish automatic correct polarity. There have been cases though, where it has been wired wrong inside the unit.
Gerrym - Did you really pay $ 700 for you Mobie? I thought they went for $ 250 or so!
Abstrack7 Yes, several of tools listed are for basically good system maintaince. There is a obsessive part of me puts timely maintaince as a necessary otimization tweak, but you are 100% right.
Albert the torque wrenches is a good idea - I like it. We have the same Winds Stylist Gauge (0.000): $700. Don't buy anything else. This is it and it's perfect for sharing on the costs. This is a must have for any serious analog person or friends. Agree on the KAB Speed Strobe: $90 The Mobie cable burn in/re-stabilization device $700? Get one. Clears up cable grunge like nothing else - once a month is enough. What about recommendations for good tube testers?
I have to admit to not being much of a tweeker.My must haves for tuning tho include a Wallytractor and magnifying loupe for cartridge alignment, a Mana bubble level, a few assorted cone devices for fine tuning a components voice(no isomer blobs or damping devices at all),kept 3 of my favorite models of IC's(again for voicing), a small mixture of power cords, some Quietlines and AC Enacoms and my trusty 15 year old,noisey as a jumbojet, VPI HW16 cleaning machine.
Now of course I have about 18-20 different equipment racks and another 35-40 or so misc. makes and models of isolation devices(platforms mostly) which serve to support floor lamps(Brightstars),display plants(Seismic Sinks), the old vcr(Torlyte)but mostly fill up shop, garage and closet space

I own the Winds stylus gauge ( one hundreds of one gram model) , the KAB quartz strobe and turntable mat, Audioquest phono cartridge de mag, Gryphon's Exorcist, Discwasher anti static gun, LP #9 stylus cleaner, Decca record brush, a machinist (brass) bubble level, a phono cartridge torque wrench (for head shell screws), and several cans of compressed air. All of these solve a problem, aid in preserving and maintaining the system or just make life cleaner and easier.
Aestetix Benz cartridge demagnetizer--is it a tweak or just good cartridge maintenance?