Good turntable equipped for about 700 dollars?

I'm just now embarking on opening my ears to vinyl, and could really use some advice on purchasing a turntable and all that is needed to make it work. I'm using a Rogue 66 preamp, Proac 2.5 speakers, several different amps right now. What I'd like are recommendations in the $600-$700 used range for the whole shabang (TT, tonearm, and cartridge). Right now, top contendors are the usual Rega P3-2000 and MMF-7 (if I wait long enough for a used one). The VPI 19-Jr looks great, but it may be above my cost limit. What about Linn or older Thorens models? Any other suggestions in this price range? Thanks much.

Showing 1 response by sean

Twl: Linn probably stole / modeled their motto after Stiff Records, which was a "punk" record label back in the 70's and early 80's. While they had MANY "amusing" motto's over the years, the one that i was thinking of went something like "If it ain't stiff, it ain't worth a ****". Beautiful, ain't it ??? : ) Sean