Good to remember ... how to tell what sounds better

Another small contribution to this board... especially for those of us who really enjoy evaluating gear...

... we know this, but it is worth reminding ourselves

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Showing 3 responses by jjss49


life is short, why settle?  the idea is to listen to great music on a great system
the point here is how best to decide what sounds better... 

one thing, one system sounding 'good' is a different conversation, a separate matter, a different bar
my takeaway is that as essential as properly conceived and controlled a/b testing (volume equalized etc etc) is to elucidate sq differences among pieces of gear, there is much much more to it than that -- if the objective is to determine which is truly more pleasurable for ownership and longer term ’living with it’

multiple modes of comparison, over short and longer durations, using various pieces of ancillary gear, are necessary to really help us decide and be confident of the choice

the process must be enjoyed