Good to remember ... how to tell what sounds better

Another small contribution to this board... especially for those of us who really enjoy evaluating gear...

... we know this, but it is worth reminding ourselves

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Showing 1 response by asctim

An interesting take on how to determine your own long term preference when quick switching differences are obvious. I know when I had LP playback and digital of many of the same albums and could compare them at length I never did establish a preference. The subtleties he mentions would seem to disappear on digital at times, but then suddenly all be there depending more on my mood and the state of my hearing apparatus. I never noticed over the long run that vinyl ever produced any better subtleties than CD. I did notice that on some records the apparent equalization was much different than the CD, and I preferred the rolled off highs of the LP. I was able to fix that with a digital EQ comparing the spectral contents until they closely matched. That being said, I do think that sometimes a certain amount of noise and distortion can be actually beneficial to the listening experience, allowing our brain to fill in what's missing in ways that might be more pleasing than having everything explicitly clear. Similarly, HD video played back at 60 fps loses a lot of the magic I experience from 24 fps playback. A little film grain and vignette also seems to add something special.