Good Suggestions for Tube Amps under 6k

I wanted to see if there were any group suggestions for an integrated tube amp or tube / solid-state combo under 10k or, even better, under 6k. Still looking for my final purchase in this part of my system.  Thanks everyone.


Showing 3 responses by pindac

I do not see in any Posts where the Willsenton R8 is a suggestion, this is a model that might just meet the OP's needs, and leave quite a large proportion of the Budget intact.

The Willsenton R8 has proved to be an Amp' that has got many customers left quite impressed. A member of the Local HiFi Group has demonstrated their one as a Base Model and with a Tube Upgrade. The system it has been demonstrated is a very familiar system to all Group Members where EAR Power Amplification > Quad 2912's are the resident devices.

The R8 has impressed and eventually thoroughly impressed the attendees at the demo'.

There has been the suggestion that by adding a Pass KB1 Pre-Amp', even more of a positive impression might follow.

The R8 with Tube Upgrades (If desired) and Pass KB1 Pre-Amp' (If of Interest) should not drift to far over $2000 as a combined purchase.

I am not a EE, I have covered many threads on build projects and in numerous seen threads, there will always be a broadened discussion over circuit design and the used topology.

The OP @gregjacob stated " I wanted to see if there were any group suggestions for an integrated tube amp or tube / solid-state combo under 10k or, even better, under 6k. Still looking for my final purchase in this part of my system. 

Thanks everyone. "

My notifying the OP was in keeping with their request and was informing that it was not necessary to use the whole of their allocated budget, my suggestion has shown this.

The individual who supplied the R8 for demonstration, owns a Audio Company and has a customer base that has a selection of Customers who are quite content with spending 20-30 x the cost of the R8 on amplification. The idea of the R8 making such a good impression on this individual when adorned with Upgrade Tubes, supports the notion that a attractive Tube experience can be had for too much monies. 

For those that have an experience of the KB1, it will soon be learned that it has a transparency that few Pre-Amp's are capable of, when added to a Tube Power Amp', for this reason the KB1 design has proven to be a welcome addition.

I have been demo'd a few guises of the KB1, as well as having a Bespoke Built KB1 demo'd in my system and have had a long-term loaned basic build design KB1 hooked up to my Bespoke Built PP 845's. This marriage has superseded owned Valve Pre's and a AVC. The impression made has resulted in my having a Bespoke Built Balanced design KB1 produced at present as my Pre-Amp of choice. 

One of the above KB1 owners had a Loan of a Bespoke Built KB1 at the time they were having demo's of Pre Amp's to be used with EAR Power Amp's, approx' £20000 of Pre-Amp's were home demo'd of which one was a EAR 868 and retailing at £5000. The Pre-Amp options were not limited to a Budget, the KB1 won the system owners favour, and a Bespoke Built KB1 is used in the system. 

Note: The KB1 does not do full bodied/lush as a presentation.

As 845's are regularly being discussed. I will add a recollection of a conversation had with the designer/builder who I have developed a friendship with that is now close to 30 years when first meeting. Approx' 20 years ago, at the time of selecting the second Valve Design to be pursued, the following was touched on as a forewarning.

" The Voltages being dealt with are 1200V, this type of Voltage demands a lot of respect, and the use of and the placing of the Amp's will need careful consideration". I am the guardian the Amp's when in use, and will be quite strong about what can/can't happen in the room they are used. Children are now grown up, and now the Grandchildren are inquisitive as well as playful and can easily make a mistake in the company of such a fragile device.   

" If this is the Tube to be used, the Chassis will need to be a certain dimension for thermal control, as a lot of heat is being generated." My Power Amp's Monoblock Output Chassis dimensions are 20" x 20" x 8" (500mm x 500mm x 200mm). The Power Supplies Chassis are close to the above dimensions. The Output Modules seated at a height of 20" from the floor and are in free space with the closest material being a wall at 1' ft away, the next closest material is 2' ft from the Amp's. 

The methods chosen above have never deterred me in any way, it is part of the discipline developed to express a 'vigilant attitude' to making sure others are aware of the fragility of the Tubes and the need for keeping the 'Tubes intact'. The other requirement has been the need to maintain being 'observant' of the Tubes when 'powered on' and 'in use'. 

I have stated in the past and see no reason to change the approach, Tubes are great to experience in their various uses. I have Valve Phon's, Valve DAC, Valve Pre', Valve Power Amp's, the usage suits all my needs for sound quality.

The user of Tubes are in possession of a device that is for the best, when powered on 'not forgotten', observation of the device with tubes whilst being used and after a period of power off, is a good discipline to cultivate.