Good streamer that does not need wi-fi or internet to play local files

Does anyone know any good / decent streamer that

(1) plays local PCM files up to 24/192 and DSD stored in usb stroage devices such as HDD / SSD; and

(2) controls music playing thru bluetooth (rather than wi-fi or plug-in internet) on cellphone or other palm-held devices? 

I keep wondering why the streamer needs to get on wi-fi or internet to play local files and why all of the streamers I know do not control local files playing thru BT.  I pretty much listen to music thru a collection of hi-rez file library but wish to have a fully functonal streamer for streaming music some day when I become tired of music file collection.  Thanks.


Showing 1 response by mountz

My streamer can go to the router via fiber, but can also use fiber to the NAS or any of my hard/flash drives.  It is pretty cool because I have a network built into my streamer so I can just plug into the network and control my streamer from anywhere in my house.