Good Stereo Speakers for outside use during BBQs, evening pot luck dinners etc

I want to purchase (preferably used) a pair of good speakers to place in our back yard for get togethers with friends. I would like speakers that resolve well with clean highs and decent bass but nothing on the level of very high end. I will probably be running around 40 ft of speaker wire from a Pass X250.8

I'm just looking to have quality music in the back yard to enjoy with food, drink and non-audiophile friends. Easy set up and take down is desired as I really don't want to schlep my Vandersteen's in and out of the house every time I want music outside. Any suggestions for speakers and wire would be appreciated.



Showing 1 response by curlyhifi

TIC Outdoor Omni directional GS38
i have used these for installing friends outdoor sound system . Rotel Preamp Emotiva XPA 2 and speaker switch box with volume control. These speakers are used in all the theme parks and also the Gardens at the palace of Versailles. My friends Boss was over his house and couldn’t believe how good it sounded compared to his $11,000  set up