Good speakers for Parasound Halo JC1

I have all Parasound Halo electronics — JC1 amps, JC2 BP preamp, JC3 Phono amp, and CD1 CD player — and love them all.  Wonderful detail but plenty of bottom end.

My speakers are Usher MD2 — nice sound, respectable speakers but I’m ready to take the plunge and move up.

I’m headed to AXPONA in a few weeks and want to audition potential replacement speakers. I’d be interested to hear what speakers you’ve heard that are awesome matches for the JC1s. My room is mid-size that will accommodate decent size but not huge boxes. 

Thanks all.


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Showing 8 responses by mikempls

Sorry, should have mentioned that. I’d planned to spend $12-15k ($17k if I’ve had a couple of beers with my buddies the night before!) 

ideally I’d be able to get a matching center channel from the same manufacturer. That’s in addition to the above budget. 

Thanks, Mijostyn, this is very helpful. I know Maggies well; I live in Minneapolis-St Paul where they’re made. I’ve been intrigued with them since I was 18 — just  concerned my room isn’t a good match. Perhaps I should reconsider.  I’m not familiar I with Sounds Labs ESLs so I’ll check those out.

I forgot to mention that I already have 2 REL S510 subwoofers so I should have that covered. 

Have listened to Magico speakers at the audio shows — very nice and very expensive. 

Anyone familiar with AudioVector?

Room size is 22’ long X 15 1/2’ wide

Interesting thought on the Blades — I’ve always thought they were sweet.

Thanks very much — everyone’s comments are very helpful.

My preferences lean to a very detailed sound, with clear highs and deep lows and a large soundstage. I listen to literally all types of music including jazz, classical, male and female vocals, folk, rock n roll, international/new age, and yes, even, hard rock from time to time. With my desire for clarity, I’m especially intrigued with ribbon style tweeters.

My Ushers have been very good speakers — I’m just wanting a more full and large sound.

Years ago, I was enamored with Wilsons — especially the Sophia and then the Sabrina. But after listening to more options, my conclusion was that I could find great sound for less money.

Here’s my list for the upcoming AXPONA show:

PS Audio FR30 and FR20 Aspens

Audio Vector (the R# and R6 Arrete look awesome but would likely have to settle for the QR7)

Monitor Audio Platinum 200 3G (My last audition of these was very positive.)

Revel F328Be (spend an afternoon with the dealer listening to these — very good)

Canton - Reference line (if these are as good as they look, they appear to be a remarkable value. Anyone spent time with these.)

Dali Epicon 6 or 8

Anyone who’s had experience with any of these? Would love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks again.


I’m not a big horn guy but the SalkSound speakers look very interesting. Have not heard of so I’ll do some checking. 

Forgot to add ProAc speakers — they’ve been very good when I’ve auditioned them.

Thanks, Ron. I’ve added Rockports to my list to audition at AXPONA. I’ve read about them before and they get rave reviews. Thanks again — appreciate your comments on the FR30s too.