Good speakers for Gaincard under $1500?


I have the Silverline SR11 and borrowed a friend's ProAc Tab 50 Sig.

To make a long story short, I am listening to my old NHT SuperOne. SR11 sounds too recessed, and Tab50 sounds too hyper to me. I find the SuperOne more natural sounding than both ProAc and Silverline. Sad day for me indeed...

So, what are some good speakers around $1000 give or take a few Gs to match with the Gaincard? A few speakers that I got my eyes on and can afford and haven't listend to are:

Audio Physics Spark-avaialable used on Agon
Von Schweikert VR-1
Audio Physics Yara
Dunlavy SC1/AV or SC2/AV
HorneShoppe's The Horn
Moth Cicada
NHT 1.5, ST-4 or SB-3

Some speakers I'd love to hear but can't afford:

Rethm entire line
Konus Essence
Silverline Sonatina
Audio Physics Virgo
Dunlavy SC-iii
Von Schweikert VR-4 SE

Rest of my system:
Meridian 500
Channel Island VDA-1 and VAC-1
All Bogdan cables except a Virtual Dynamic Audition Power on the transport

Please share your opinions with me. Thanks.

Showing 5 responses by dekay

Though they should be quite detailed within their range check out the single driver speakers @ (

They use Jordan drivers and are similar in design the the Euro speakers which are popular with 47 Labs gear (forget their name).

I have listened to these drivers in similar DIY cabs and liked their sound. The ones that I heard used the wide front baffle design (not the narrow one).

If the amp will handle a 4 ohm load then maybe check out the new Reynaud Twins. I have not listened to the new model but have used the original version for more than two years now. My only reservation is that I have found the Twins to sound quite a bit different (better) with tube amplification (they have a planer like quality with a good SET amp that is not there @ all with the SS amps that I have tried).

There is also a new speaker (forget the name, but it's something like "VPMS) that uses a ribbon tweeter. It has been receiving positive feedback and if you mainly listen while seated (due the directionality of the tweeter) it might be something to look into.

The Carolina speakers are $1500 and the VPMS (whatever it's called) is $1600, or so. The Twins are $850, but do require high quality stands to perform their best (figure another $250-$400).
Hi Ed:

Yes, that's it Konus. They treat the wood in some manner and most likely use different internal wiring, but the basic cabinet is a Jordan design, I think. The Jordan drivers themselves retail for approx. $250/pr.

I was pretty close VMPS Vs VPMS.

I almost purchased the Carolina speakers approx. one year ago (@ an introductory price), but did not have enough watts to properly power them (too much change for me @ one time - speakers plus the amps).

The owner/builder's name is Ronnie (enjoyed talking with him on the phone a few times). He will probably install the hookup wire of your choice if you mail it to him.

I will be using my vintage full range 8" drivers (Stephens 80FR's) as main speakers soon, due to downgrading my system. Not really a downgrade sound wise (just a different type of sound), but as I will probably end up selling my big amp (12 watt push/pull 6bq5) I will then have nothing to power the Twins (3 watts is not enough for full-scale music in our living room).

As you are looking for art as well as sound you might also consider locating a pair of the Gallo Solo's (one big ball with a top mounted tweeter on Gallo Barcelona stands). If your room is not too large they might work with the Gaincard and they are great/unusual looking speakers (only available used and $1200-$1500 would be a fair price for this model, I think).

I do find the Twins to be attractive with the right stands (they look/balance well with my Target HR70 and the Reynaud Magic stands), but I have to admit that they did look kind of stupid on some frail (single post) stands. I'm tired of having speaker stands in the living room anyway, so will make taller floor standing cabinets for the Stephens drivers when I an able budget high quality materials for the project (they are currently in vintage cabinets).
Viggen, and the top mounted tweeters were (let me guess:-) staring @ you? LOL!

I do not care for top mounted tweeters due to our free range cats (such a design is an accident waiting to happen in our household).

The drivers on the Gallo speakers (mentioned above) remind me of big nipples, but I can see how they would look like eyes to some.

If you find the new speakers to be good for the for the long haul you can always have them veneered @ some point.

I will be very interested in your feedback once the drivers have 200-300 hours on them (baby them @ first).
Hi Viggen:

Not certain about the cable.

I have listened to DIY speaker cables made from CAT 5 before, but the design was a complex one that killed the music compared to the simplistic speaker cable that I am used to (did not pay much attention to the Belden cable itself).

How is Ronnie using the CAT 5?
Hi Viggen:

Yes, I use the 47 Labs cable in single runs (your calculations are correct).

I did not notice any difference in the sound between 3' and 12' speaker cables (tried both on a near field system that I used to have in the spare room). I do however try to keep the length of small gauge single run speaker cables to 12' (or less) as longer will start to roll off the HF's.