AudioKinesis, Makes a hi quality loudspeaker in your price range. The design looks to be usable in near field or at low levels. Dukes a great guy to deal with and hes right about hi-med eff designs. Another option is a PHY or large full range driver loudspeaker, no crossovers = easy to drive at low levels, while still sounding full, no need to turn up to get even frequency. I enjoyed stats maggies for many years but dipoles, bi poles designs flood room with SPL sure can sound good at low levels but sound can travel a bit. If low level is to keep from bothering others than maybe not so good. If you just like music played at low levels and don't have others to bother than stats maggies might be worth a listen. With all things. YMMV.
Good speakers at low volume?
It's a known fact that a lot of speakers "come alive" when they reach at least moderate volume levels. However, since I live in an apartment, I'm looking for a good speakers where I won't lose all the details while playing at low volumes. In that respect Audio Physic speakers are great, full of detail, unfortunately they lack dynamics for me when I happen to listen to rhythm driven music. I'm thinking 4-8K price range (Dynaudio, Dali...). Any suggestions are appreciated.