Good speakers at low volume?

It's a known fact that a lot of speakers "come alive" when they reach at least moderate volume levels. However, since I live in an apartment, I'm looking for a good speakers where I won't lose all the details while playing at low volumes. In that respect Audio Physic speakers are great, full of detail, unfortunately they lack dynamics for me when I happen to listen to rhythm driven music. I'm thinking 4-8K price range (Dynaudio, Dali...). Any suggestions are appreciated.

Showing 1 response by fgubb

Hi everybody,
Apologies if this has been addresed before in the thread. I´ve read most of it but perhaps I´ve missed one or two.
-- I´ve been reading in the Audiogon threads that something you can do when in this situation --not being able to go to even moderately high volumes-- is get an attenuator? Apparently it can allow you to turn the volume know past 12?
Right now, I am totally having this problem: I just got a pair of Yamaha NS 200M and I am not even able to go from 7 (zero) to eight in the dial!!
What do you think?