Good Speaker within a budget of USD10,000

Hi , 
I plan to setup my sound system from scratch. And allocated a substantial part for speakers. My budget for a pair of speaker is USD10,000 maximum. I would love to get recommendation on choice of speakers both New and old. 


Showing 3 responses by jsm71

Your room size is similar to mine (13 x 17). I use JansZen Valentina hybrid ESLs paired with twin Rythmik 12G subwoofers. The JansZen’s are flat to 30Hz and do bass really well. With the subs I have the scale and impact of a much larger and expensive speaker. The speaker/sub combo fits your budget. I ran the JansZens without subs for a number of years, quite happy. The subs are a recent addition, icing on the cake.

The JansZens are an easy load for an amp so either SS or tube electronics work. Some JansZen customers I know (including me) use tube gear. We think that makes them sound the best.

@asif3038 - Starting with choice of speaker is smart when starting from scratch.

What are your listening objectives? How loud do you listen? What is your room size? Will you have speaker placement limitations?  What genres do you listen to most? Is realism a higher priority than punchy bass? Do you wish to be able to run tube gear with these speakers? Shopping only by a price range doesn’t allow a good recommendation without knowing what you may need.

@asif3038 What part of the country are you in?  Folks here can also point you toward close by and trust worthy retailers if you are not aware of any.